Advanced Urology Medical Offices
Urology located in Westchester, Los Angeles, CA, Redondo Beach, CA, Culver City, CA & San Pedro, CA
Even if it’s just a little bit, leaking urine can cause embarrassment, shame, and distress. At Advanced Urology Medical Offices in Los Angeles, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, and Culver City, California, the experienced team of urology specialists provides noninvasive and minimally invasive urinary incontinence treatments, implants, and surgeries. To learn to manage your incontinence and avoid embarrassment, call your nearest Advanced Urology Medical Offices location or request an appointment online today.
Incontinence Q & A
What is incontinence?
Incontinence, or urinary incontinence, describes a condition when you're unable to hold in your urine. Incontinence results from an overactive bladder, or involuntary bladder leakage, that often occurs at inconvenient times during your day.
You may have one or more of several common types of urinary incontinence. They include:
Stress incontinence
If you have stress incontinence, leaks happen after triggers like coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, or laughing.
Urge incontinence
Urge incontinence is a bit less predictable. If you have it, the need to urinate appears suddenly and intensely, usually resulting in subsequent leakage.
Overflow incontinence
If your bladder doesn’t empty fully when you urinate voluntarily, overflow incontinence happens when urine constantly dribbles out between trips to the bathroom.
Functional incontinence
If you have functional incontinence, your urinary system likely functions quite well on its own. However, a physical or mental impairment prevents you from holding in your urine at all times or successfully making it to the toilet when you get the urge.
What causes incontinence?
Urinary incontinence usually arises as a result of bodily changes related to aging or conditions. It can be short- or long-term. Short-term urinary incontinence generally doesn’t call for treatment, as it is often linked to certain foods and drinks that exit your system quickly. It may also arise from a urinary tract infection or other condition that is easy to treat.
If you have long-term urinary incontinence, it may be linked to:
- Weakening bladder muscles with age
- Menopause
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Prostate complications
- Neurologic disorders (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis)
The team at Advanced Urology Medical Offices reviews your symptoms, the onset of your incontinence, your medical history, and other factors that can help pinpoint a cause. This helps them choose the best strategy for your treatment.
Is there any way to treat incontinence?
Your treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the type you have and the severity of your case. The Advanced Urology team may recommend a multifaceted treatment approach to reach the best possible outcome. If they find that your urinary incontinence is linked to an underlying disease or condition, treating it should solve the problem.
To treat urinary incontinence that stands alone, they may recommend or prescribe:
- Pelvic floor therapy
- Biofeedback
- Pubovaginal slings
- Neuromodulation device implants
Your treatment plan is catered to your needs and preferences. The team works alongside you to ensure that it’s working and make adjustments when they’re necessary.
To control your urinary incontinence with expert treatment, request an appointment by phone or online at Advanced Urology Medical Offices today.
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